K: Gary Busey is released from prison after many years with absolutely nothing and nowhere to live, so he goes back to his childhood house and, yeah you guessed it HIDES IN IT… he sets himself up in a secret closet thing in the attic and becomes obsessed with the family living there. He falls in love with the wife and just wants to be with her but he keeps accidentally murdering people :-(
T: Gary Busey is without a doubt one of the scariest looking actors ever. The pacing of the movie is close to perfect! Has one of the most unrealistic/close call endings ever, but I still enjoyed it a lot.
K: I love Gary forever and this movie is a perfect example of what I call "BUSE ON THE LOOSE," where he's mainly bumbling around like a maniac, and making psychotic monologues with scary sustained eye contact. This is the ultimate era of Busey where he's still doing a great job acting and playing a crazy guy, but his IRL craziness is starting to seep through the cracks too. He can really carry a whole scene with no one in it but himself, like an ape pacing a cage. I might just be a sucker for made-for-TV movies but something about those is perfect for Busey too. This movie also genuinely scared me!! Slapping a "must see" stamp on this one for all Busey-heads!!
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